What Everyone Need to Know About Fake Pills and Fentanyl

December 27th, 2022|news|

Fentanyl has been found in almost every drug in the past year, and increasingly, it's a youngster who dies from an overdose. Fake pills from the internet have changed the way people acquire drugs, and it's killing people. Many people believe that recreational drug use is a harmless phase many young people go through. After [...]

Overdose Deaths For Seniors Tripled Due To Fentanyl

November 30th, 2022|news|

Seniors aged 60 years and up have often been overlooked during the opioid epidemic. But that has started to change. Recent research shows that seniors are also highly prone to opioid use disorder. This is especially true of seniors grappling with chronic illness, loneliness, and other stressors. In California, a study from 2011 to 2017 [...]

Veterans, Alcohol Use Disorder and Trauma

October 24th, 2022|recovery|

Alcohol use disorder is one of the world's most prevalent substance use disorders. Veterans will experience stress, boredom, fear, and other intense emotions while overseas or even stationed at bases at home. Drinking, playing cards, and storytelling are often a part of the culture on bases. Alcohol has long been a part of military culture, [...]

Obsessive Behaviors In Recovery

September 22nd, 2022|Uncategorized|

How do people in recovery cope with obsessive behaviors? Many aspects of addiction are closely linked to other types of compulsive behaviors.  Risk-taking behaviors, in particular, can be detrimental to a person trying to stay sober. After all, a “rush” of adrenaline can be just as addictive for some people as picking up a drink [...]

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) And Recovery

August 23rd, 2022|recovery|

Many people in recovery find relief throughdrug treatment, the 12 steps, and other forms of therapy. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is one type of therapy people may find helpful. This therapy is often practiced alongside mindfulness techniques to help people change their thinking and reactions. It is beneficial with triggers and helping an addicted [...]

Intergenerational Trauma And Family In Recovery

July 28th, 2022|Uncategorized|

Many people in recovery have families where there is dysfunction or shared pain across generations. Some people have several generations of pain or trauma, which continues to play a role in family relationships and behaviors. Intergenerational trauma affects people and families in different ways. In recovery, acknowledging this trauma and learning to find peace and [...]

Substance Use Disorder And ADHD: Are They Connected?

June 17th, 2022|recovery|

In America, there is an increasing population diagnosed with ADHD every year. ADHD can be diagnosed at any age but is often found and treated starting in childhood. Like anyone else, a person with ADHD may seek to cope with their symptoms through substance use. They may feel less bored or lonely when they drink [...]

The Role of Cognitive Skill-Building In Recovery

April 29th, 2022|recovery|

Everyone in recovery learns to cope with new feelings and replace negative behaviors. Learning new cognitive skills is vital for “growing up” in recovery. When a person gets high or drunk, their cognitive skills are usually not up to their potential. Breaking the law and taking dangerous risks are part of the lifestyle caused by [...]

Alcohol-Related Deaths Were Pervasive in 2020

March 25th, 2022|recovery|

During the pandemic, many people faced obstacles, fears, and losses. Experts warned that the isolation and lack of resources for mental health would take a toll. There is a broader picture of how people used substances to cope during the pandemic. A study conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism found a [...]