Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Meth?

February 25th, 2021|recovery|

For years, researchers have sought to help people addicted to meth. One of the biggest reasons that people addicted to methamphetamine relapse is the intense withdrawal effects. Unlike people who become dependent on opioids, there aren't any drugs specifically approved to treat meth withdrawal symptoms. Understanding Medication-Assisted Treatment Medication-Assisted Treatment helps people addicted to a [...]

Practice Forgiveness With Yourself

November 16th, 2020|recovery|

Everyone makes mistakes. We’re all human. However, when you have struggled with an addiction, you may have trouble accepting your own mistakes. Practicing forgiveness is something you need to do with yourself, just like you do with others. Do You “Beat Yourself Up”? Many people in recovery describe a sense of failure that makes them [...]

Watching Out for Other Addictions

July 7th, 2020|recovery|

When people talk about addiction, they’re usually talking about drugs or substance abuse. Yet there are many ways people find themselves locked in the grip of different addictions. A big part of addiction is the compulsion or burning desire to use your substance of choice. A compulsion to use means that you are experiencing physical [...]

Technology Know-How To Help People Stay Sober

June 26th, 2020|recovery|

In the new era of the COVID-19 crisis, everyone is learning to adapt. Meetings have gone online and people have returned to making phone calls to speak with their support system. Technology has also taken center stage when it comes to meetings. It can be frustrating to learn new technology, but much of it is [...]

Giving Back in Recovery During COVID-19

April 9th, 2020|recovery|

The world is facing a challenge like never before, but people are still doing their best to provide addiction recovery assistance. How can you give back to others safely during the pandemic? First of all, you can’t do anything alone, and you can’t be expected to do it all. Don’t run yourself down offering help. [...]

You Can Practice Self-Care And Work. Here’s How.

February 10th, 2020|recovery|

Many people in recovery find that as they get more clean and sober time under their belt, their lives become fuller. Self-care can sometimes fall by the wayside. You may be able to take a better job or spend more time doing the things you love. With these advantages come a few drawbacks - although [...]