What Everyone Need to Know About Fake Pills and Fentanyl

December 27th, 2022|news|

Fentanyl has been found in almost every drug in the past year, and increasingly, it's a youngster who dies from an overdose. Fake pills from the internet have changed the way people acquire drugs, and it's killing people. Many people believe that recreational drug use is a harmless phase many young people go through. After [...]

In 2021, A 43% Increase In Fatal Overdoses In California

November 30th, 2021|Uncategorized|

In the state of California, overdose deaths have skyrocketed over the past few years. New research shows the numbers are higher than previously believed, with a 43% increase for drug overdoses in California. Those numbers are already higher than 2021. In 2021, California had an increase of over 6,000 deaths 2020. Over 10,000 people have [...]