Watching Out for Other Addictions

July 7th, 2020|recovery|

When people talk about addiction, they’re usually talking about drugs or substance abuse. Yet there are many ways people find themselves locked in the grip of different addictions. A big part of addiction is the compulsion or burning desire to use your substance of choice. A compulsion to use means that you are experiencing physical [...]

You Can Practice Self-Care And Work. Here’s How.

February 10th, 2020|recovery|

Many people in recovery find that as they get more clean and sober time under their belt, their lives become fuller. Self-care can sometimes fall by the wayside. You may be able to take a better job or spend more time doing the things you love. With these advantages come a few drawbacks - although [...]

San Diego Soap April Meeting

January 15th, 2019||

Briana Lefman, M.S., C.R.C., L.P.C.C. Trauma and Addiction: Identifying and Examining the Path to the Development of Addiction as a Result of Trauma I'll provide an in-depth examination of the foundations of childhood, adolescent, and adult trauma and the correlation with distorted beliefs. By examining trauma's impact on the human condition: We begin to identify [...]

25 Ways to Say “No” to a Drink or Drug

December 10th, 2018|recovery|

Staying clean is the top priority in everyone’s life once they find recovery. You can do your best to avoid temptation by working your recovery program. You know it’s important to stay away from people, places and things that tempt you. However, life is unpredictable. Sometimes you run into old friends at the grocery store [...]

Sobriety and the Holidays: How to Cope

November 19th, 2018|recovery|

Are you nervous about celebrating the holidays in your newfound recovery? Staying clean is always the most important aspect of recovery, and people are often worried about temptation during the holidays. Stress can be a trigger for many people. The stress that people experience during the holidays during recovery may sometimes feel like overload; after [...]

Is Your Environment Affecting Your Recovery?

October 17th, 2018|recovery|

People who struggle with addiction have many triggers that they learn to cope with as they stay clean for a length of time. When a person goes to treatment, they’re in a safe space where they can feel free to explore their addiction and find a path to recovery. Treatment centers are without judgment, and [...]