Understanding Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

January 8th, 2019|recovery|

Getting clean isn’t easy, especially when you’re first starting out. Many people need to go to detox to get highly addictive drugs out of their system. Some of this detox produces uncomfortable physical and physchological symptoms. These symptoms usually subside within a few days to a few weeks. However, there are also long-term effects that [...]

25 Ways to Say “No” to a Drink or Drug

December 10th, 2018|recovery|

Staying clean is the top priority in everyone’s life once they find recovery. You can do your best to avoid temptation by working your recovery program. You know it’s important to stay away from people, places and things that tempt you. However, life is unpredictable. Sometimes you run into old friends at the grocery store [...]

Sobriety and the Holidays: How to Cope

November 19th, 2018|recovery|

Are you nervous about celebrating the holidays in your newfound recovery? Staying clean is always the most important aspect of recovery, and people are often worried about temptation during the holidays. Stress can be a trigger for many people. The stress that people experience during the holidays during recovery may sometimes feel like overload; after [...]

Is Your Environment Affecting Your Recovery?

October 17th, 2018|recovery|

People who struggle with addiction have many triggers that they learn to cope with as they stay clean for a length of time. When a person goes to treatment, they’re in a safe space where they can feel free to explore their addiction and find a path to recovery. Treatment centers are without judgment, and [...]

Journaling Can Help Keep You Focus on the Positive

August 31st, 2018|recovery|

In treatment, there is a lot of talk about what tools you can use to help you stay clean. Mediations, mindfulness, exercise, and simply picking up the phone are often mentioned as important tools that can help you with stress and everyday life. But what about overcoming negativity and dealing with your bad days? Many [...]